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Steps For Creating Your Skincare Product 2020 Edition


First off happy new year! The year has just begun and with a new year is a fresh start to get your beauty product line off the ground.

Here, we provide some essential steps in how to get started or even help clarify some lingering questions that you may have.

Starting out shouldn't be a stressful and daunting task.

Developing and creating a product is fairly easy as long as you plan it out, but don't worry we'll help you streamline your task list so you an easy and ready to implement task list. This task list is designed after all the conceptual stuff such as brand name, brand presence, and important key features.

These following product development step save you time in finding the right supplier, AND save you money.

Step 1: Start with packaging

Find a packaging that resonates with what your brand speaks with. Try a pump bottle, or airless packaging. If you're looking for a reliable vendor for packaging we can help you out with that.

Step 2: Label or printed onto packaging

Labels or some kind of important markings are important. Brand name is not just important but what your product speaks and how the label presents the product is important. BOPP material in gloss or matte finish is a good start for material type.

Step 3: Trademarked brand name (optional)

Trademarking can bolster your brand's name and boosts the reputation. Looking to get started, try Trademark Engine to get started on the registration process here.

Step 4: Create a robust and tested formula.

There are tons of homemade formula out there. However, if you're looking for your product to be in the hands of major retailers and international distribution, you'll need a robust formula from a formulation lab that have valid and stability tested formulas. Here at Talara Marketing, we have an partnered lab with LACollaboratory that can help with everything formulation or contact us today about formulations.

Step 5: Marketing and Presence

Create a website that resonates what your brand is all about. Always stick to the same font family, colors, and expression. The consumer will usually know if something is off. Also creating buzz with digital advertisement with photos and especially videos are also great to get people talking. It's also not a bad idea to give free product to heavy hitting influencers. Whether instagram to a PR agent that supports celebrities to popular magazines. These mean all the difference to get your product out there.

Hussle time: 10 - 12 weeks (If busting your butt off!)


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